Thursday, August 24, 2017

kara ok

Ever thought about setting up a karaoke system at home so you and your friends can have fun singing happy tunes together when having a house party?

I had that thought a couple times before. The last one occurred some 5 years ago when we moved into this new house of ours and were installing a built-in audio/video system. I did some research but found it a bit complicated and pricier than I thought and ended up not pursuing it.

But I like singing and lately we had a bunch of music loving friends coming over for party, thus the thought crept up on me again. 

A quick survey online showed a full-blown commercial karaoke system with mixer, microphones, speakers, etc. still looks unwieldy and can cost up to $1000 or more, not to mention the installation hassle. With my intuitive belief that consumer electronics pricing is constantly going downward and new technologies should help make setting up things easier, I went on to explore alternative solutions for a simple karaoke system with decent performance at reasonable cost that I can build on my own.

One of the first low-end karaoke equipment I found online was some all-in-one "karaoke microphone" that combines microphone and speaker in one little hand-held piece that transmits the music through bluetooth wireless and shows lyrics on your smartphone or tablet screen, for about $30. I bought one for trial. It worked as it said, except its tiny platform and limited power were more suited for self-practice and close-up groups than the grander scheme of things I have in mind.

Continuing searching from bottom-up, I found this other simple package: a mixer with two wireless microphones, that costs just a little over $60:

I got it in two days with Amazon Prime shipping and got right on to it. The mixer was a tiny box but looked solid and sturdy. The hook-up was easy in theory: Pair it with your iPhone/Android or iPad/tablet through bluetooth wireless for the music input, and connect its audio output to your existing audio system for the back end. It's the latter that would take me some work-around to do, for I have a somewhat complicated (don't we all nowadays) home entertainment system that includes 9 ceiling/wall speakers, one big screen TV, DVD, Blu-ray players, FM/internet radios, a now-defunct cable/satellite TV input, divided into two zones, wrapped around a slew of receiver, amplifier, master console boxes, etc.

It took some analytical thinking, and a few trial and error fumblings with the wires, but I got it right eventually, and tapped the audio output to my 5 ceiling speakers in the family room. It's a pleasant and triumphant feeling hearing those nice, clear surrounding sounds coming out from the front and back of the room again, a couple years after I terminated my satellite TV service that simultaneously cut off those speakers due to the original wiring design by my A/V system installer!

The bluetooth pairing was easy and almost automatic, found its connection with my Android device the moment it's turned on. Same were those two wireless microphones, connecting instantly with the mixer, with impressive volume and echo controls!

Then came one last sticky point of the hardware setup: Instead of having people reading lyrics from one tiny smartphone or tablet, I want to connect the music video to my TV so all people--the audience and the singer--can see the lyrics and the video on the big screen while singing. How do I do that?

The easy solution was to hook up my Android device--the one that was hooked up with the mixer wirelessly already--with my Chromecast dongle attached to my TV, also wirelessly. What I found, unfortunately, was once that Android device was connected with the TV through Chromecast wirelessly (WiFi), it lost its wireless (bluetooth) connection with the mixer's audio output, or those precious 5-speaker surround sounds coming from my room ceiling. Bummer!

Fortunately, I have an old Android tablet that has an HDMI port that can connect directly, through wire, to my TV, and such wired connection won't destroy the audio connection from the mixer to those speakers. Problem solved!

Hardware all hooked up, now comes the soft side of things, i.e., where and how do I get the karaoke music content to sing along with?

Here is where the beauty and omnipresence of today's internet technology come into play: There are plenty of (free) apps with plenty of karaoke music to choose from online. I downloaded and tried out a couple of them. App 1 has good song selections and quality sound effect, except it has incessant ad interruptions that's borderline intolerable and the song selections are somewhat limited; App 2 is really a YouTube layover, getting all its songs through YouTube search for you, and has longer than usual streaming latency that could choke up the songs badly.

So why not go directly to YouTube for the music, I said to myself, and I did. YouTube has a fantastic trove of karaoke music videos: English, Chinese, love songs, pop songs, oldies, contemporaries... you name it, you probably can find it. They are from people who love singing, apparently, and some karaoke music production houses that want to attract people to subscribe or buy and download their stuff. I easily collected over 50 karaoke music videos I like through random search on YouTube during my spare time in a couple of days.

YouTube does push ads between songs too. If you are a singing purist and want absolutely no interruptions between songs, you can sign up with their paid service, YouTube Red, for $9.99/month. Not only will that eliminate all ads, it allows you to download the music videos to your device, so you can play them offline, not worrying about internet connection or any signal hick-up whatsoever. You can terminate the service any time you want, and keep the videos you've downloaded for your permanent karaoke collection, I suppose.

So my friends, I hope I have not bored you to death with all these mumble jumble, techie nonsense--they are not important. What's important, is you tell me what songs you like to sing, and I'll find and save them for you, and we'll sing them together next time you are in my home!

Try this one for starters:

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

summer fun

Here are some online joshing between me and my pal on our college alum group chat line. Unfortunately the fun can only be picked up in Chinese:

前文:自加入 LINE 群組以來,在南加州經營"回春院"的盧偉X同學(帳戶名0.1,藍色字幕)本著友愛同學之情,不斷熱心提供"再春"建議,但日前開始要求同學們繳納會費。以下是我(帳戶名David翁朝宏,棕色字幕)與他的對話:

會費優惠延至月底, 少數還沒有交的同學請速匯美金二百元至, 否則之後就是二百五。


好厲害的俄羅斯詐騙集團, 連精明的翁員外也被騙了, 真是可惡。 不過據我了解, 詐騙集團的成員並不都是壞蛋。 有的是誤交需索無度的小三, 有的是肉體被她人控制, 更有的是為了籌措女兒的學費。翁員外家財萬貫, 我看這區區二百五十文就當善款, 算了吧。

雖然被騙,但會費還是要補交的。上次那個帳號已因故作廢, 請速匯至新帳號, 謝謝。



只是你的帳號為什麼長得跟他們的那麼像 ...





糟糕!這幾天比較忙沒有上賴, 今天一看才發現被駭客盜用了。 這個駭客不但思路敏捷文筆流暢, 而且格調高雅談吐不俗, 有如我的分身一般, 因此把大家都騙了。幸虧我及時發現,更改密碼,否則後果不堪設想。

穎悟松根和翁員外, 你們雖然被騙但是會費還是要補交, 請速匯至。 謝謝!



.org是經過美國政府核準的正字標記,不是俄羅斯的.ru,也不是奈及利亞的.ng,所以大家可以放心,一次多交幾年的會費,兩百五,柒佰伍,一千兩百五 ... 隨君所欲,無上限



若有一次繳納5000的,除了成為回春院永久會員外,還可得岳憲同學香港Franki大師所做的襯衫一件(請岳憲同學盡速將襯衫寄到 250 Fools Circle, Con City, USA)



我們收美金,台幣,人民幣 ... 黑錢,白錢,只要是能到菜市場買菜用的,就是好錢

感謝同學們踴躍配合,我們回春院一年一度的 fund raiser 插播,就到此告一個段落


