Saturday, November 20, 2010

rick's tweets iii

Sharing some of Pastor Rick's "tweets of wit" with you:

Anytime you're tempted to criticize your spouse's judgment, remember they picked you!

Leaders who laugh, LAST! It flushes stress from your soul.You'll have plenty of material if you laugh at yourself & troubles.

Pride keeps us from listening. Not listening keeps us ignorant. Ignorance keeps us prideful. This cycle hardens the attitudes.

You can't know God thru intellect alone because your brain isn't big enough. But even a child can know him through love.

Great people make others feel great. Small people make others feel small.

I often find that my attitude, like a diaper, requires changing or I stink up the place.

When you take a personal strength for granted, it becomes a weakness without you realizing it.

Whatever sin you're quickest to judge & criticize in others reveals what you secretly hate most about yourself. Rom 2:1-6

Forgetting yourself isnt the final step of love but the first. See 1 Cor 10:24 

I've noticed that before marriage opposites attract but after marrying opposites attack! What was cute becomes annoying.

No one counterfeits $3 bills since they don’t exist. Phony miracles, churches, and believers indicate the genuine is out there.

Jesus began his Church as a FAMILY. It changed to an institution in Rome, a political view in Europe, and a business in America.

FREEDOM is not the absence of limit. It is the POWER God graciously offers you to say YES to what’s right & NO to wrong.

You can IMPRESS people from a distance but can only IMPACT them up close. That requires letting people see your weakness too.

You can learn from anyone--even hypocrites! "So practice and obey what they say but don't follow their example" Matt 23:3

You don’t grow in humility by trying to be humble. Just shift your focus off yourself & on to God's greatness & other's needs.

Until you passionately feel your own continuous need for God's Grace, you'll never convince anyone else they need it.

What right do I have to be angry at others who resist change when there are changes needed in me that I refuse to make?

NEVER interpret God's Word by your experience or logic. ALWAYS interpret your experiences by God's infallible Revelation.  

Many truths in the Bible I only understand by obeying them in faith. Then later, looking back, I can see God's reasons.

Far more will defend the Gospel than will SHARE it, because sharing it takes COURAGEOUS LOVE. Defending just takes knowledge.

Believing the truths of salvation without daily friendship with Jesus is like marriage without intimacy. Possible but not enjoyable.

The Gospel is distorted when REDUCED to a system of beliefs, set of practices, schedule of activities or show of emotions.  

It takes no courage to preach the truth to those already convinced. Courage is loving your enemies so they might know Christ.

Anytime doctrine & duty replace loving Jesus you’ll lose your joy. "I don't want your sacrifices-I want your LOVE!” Hosea 6:6

You can't love people if you're always in your study (or behind a pulpit). Walk with your people today. Listen. Hug. Pray.  

When you expect others to meet needs in your life only God can meet, it's unfair to them & insures disappointment in you.

It's human nature to lie to ourselves. What are you pretending isn't a problem in you? The truth sets you free but it takes courage.

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