Saturday, June 26, 2010

rick's tweets ii

Sharing some of Pastor Rick's tweets I collected in the past few months with you:

Love people. Use things. If you love things, you'll end up using people to get more of them. 

When I’m tempted to be prideful I just remind myself that I cannot even guarantee my next breath.

The fact that someone LOVES TO LEAD never impresses me. I want to know, Do you love THE PEOPLE you lead? 

Leadership without love quickly becomes manipulation.
If you insist that anyone who disagrees with you is intolerant, judgmental, or has a phobia, you're really revealing yourself.

Genuine love is unself-conscious--the opposite of how people act in dating when they're worried about making an impression.  

One of the big lies of our culture is that sex is only physical & has no spiritual, emotional & relational consequences.   

Nothing unmasks our innate self-centered sinfulness as a long-term marriage. Many would rather divorce than admit it & change.

If you spend more time defending the truth than actually sharing it, you'll missed the point of the Gospel.

My daily time alone with God doesn't unclutter my schedule. It unclutters my mind & calms my heart even on my busiest days.

"God plunged me into darkness"--Job19:8. In darkness the picture develops & negatives turn positive as the Light shines thru.

The teacher is always silent when the test is given. When God is silent in your life, you are being tested.

It takes no faith to trust God when He is obviously moving. Real faith is holding on & believing when God SEEMS absent. 

So much stress comes from our inability to be still. The greatest faith is often revealed by waiting & watching in silence.

"Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn't really know very much." 1 Cor. 8:2 (NLT)

“While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church.” 1 Cor. 8:1b (NLT)

Any effort to create heaven on earth will fail. God calls us to get people into the real heaven, not to build our own.

Life is cheap to those who think they're god. Mao,Stalin & Hitler (God-deniers) caused 110 million deaths without remorse.

How you treat others exposes your view of God. The higher you view God, the more respect you show TO EVERYONE! 1 Pet.2:17

Jesus didn't shed his blood on the Cross for programs, property, or principles. It was his RADICAL love for people.

Leaders take the blame & give away the credit. To lead you must often do the opposite of what you FEEL like doing. Pr.14:12

Never fear criticism. Fear conformity, which stunts the soul. You can't have everyone’s approval & God’s anointing at same time.

God gives you just enough time to do His Will. If you always feel behind, you're trying to do more than he intended. 

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