Saturday, December 5, 2009

rick's tweets

I am not a big fanatic of social networking sites--yes I have Facebook, LinkedIn accounts, but I rarely use them, only in response to people's "invites" or for some topical news. So when a few months ago Pastor Rick Warren encouraged people to follow him on the Twitter site (, I signed it up with some doubt and curiosity, wondering why a pastor would think so highly of this latest cyber age fad if it indeed was one. Well, I heard Twitter's growth rate and popularity have dipped a bit lately, but am I glad I signed up and followed Pastor Rick's tweets ever since! The following are gathered from his tweets in the past few months to share with you:

Pastors should wash their own clothes, dishes and change diapers. You may be anointed but you're just human. Acts 14:15a

Thermometers copy the climate. Thermostats CHANGE it! What are you?

Jesus died for people, not principles. Pharisees care about keeping rules. Jesus cares about healing hurts. Luke 13:14-15

The myth "I can't say I'm humble" misunderstands humility. Humility is admitting I'm helpless without God. It's dependence!

People who shine from within don’t need the spotlight. Phil 2:15

When you die, you won't regret your unfulfilled dreams, just your unattempted ones. The 1st is reality; the 2nd is tragedy. Matt 9:29

Sinful inclinations AREN'T your identity! Don’t say “I’m an alcoholic (or whatever),” say “I'm a Believer who struggles with...”

Heresy-hunting lets you ignore the mess in your own life. God is more concerned about your hypocrisy than other's heresy.

For every book on serving, there's a 100 written on leading. Which have you read more of and what does that tell you? Matt 20:26

Fear-based evangelism lasts as long as the fear. You need Jesus not because you'll die tonight but because you must live tomorrow.

Some people are so open-minded their brains fall out. Prov.14:15 "Only fools believe everything they hear."

Anytime you teach about giving, the generous will smile, and the stingy will squirm. That’s what makes it fun!

Deeper levels of Fellowship: 1 Sharing together (shallowest). 2 Studying together. 3 Serving together. 4 Suffering together.
You don't fully understand a thing 'til you can explain it in a simple way. Confusing people is easy. You must THINK to be simple!

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. "God so loved the world that he GAVE his only son." Jn. 3:16

Advice of the First Consultant: "BUILD A TEAM! This is too much work for you, Moses. You can't do it by yourself." Exodus18:18

In every culture, profession and religion, the pros have always tried to lock out amateurs. It's why innovation happens at the fringe.

Some subgroups of Christians will be shocked when they see who is in heaven. "I have sheep that aren't of this fold"--Jesus

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, because you'll never get it back. Your time is your life. You spell love "T.I.M.E."

Vision is NOT predicting the future. No one can. Vision is the ability to see opportunities around you NOW and jump on them!

Make the decision THEN solve the problems. "If you wait for perfect conditions you'll never get anything done." Eccl. 11:4

When Kennedy said "We're going to the moon" it was still impossible. Never confuse decision making with problem solving.

Your Life Purpose comes in three stages: 1 WHAT God wants you to do; 2 HOW & WHERE; 3 WHEN (timing). Delays between stages test your faith.

Humility isn't thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less. If you focus on others, you forget you.1 Cor. 10:24

Following Him when your heart is breaking is greater faith than praising Him when your heart is singing. Ps. 34:18

Billy Graham's counsel on false attacks: "Rick, if you wrestle with a pig, both of you will get dirty, but only one of you will like it." Pr. 26:4

My definition of success: Having those who know me best respect me most.

When a plane goes thru violent turbulence at 35,000 ft, you don’t bail out. You remain calm and trust the Pilot! Ps. 56:3

The source of a criticism doesn’t invalidate its truth. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Discern and learn.  Prov.12:15

To insist on being “original or nothing” ensures you'll be both. Refusing to learn from models is pure and simple ego. Pr. 14:6

When I hear "I didn't get anything out of worship today" I say "Sorry but our worship wasn't done for you. It was for God." 1 Chr. 16:29

Doubts are meant to be doubted and beliefs meant to be believed. Don't get it backwards. Doubt your doubts! Believe your beliefs! Mk 9:24

"God ONLY expects me to be FAITHFUL" is a lie. He also expects you to be FRUITFUL! That proves TRUE discipleship. Jn 15:8

First Saddleback sermon on 4/4/1980: "We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't even like."

You can be a THINKER without ever DOING anything, but you'll burn out as a DOER if you don't schedule time to think. Ps. 77:12

Churches built on shaky foundations don't last. Build on The Word, not the world; on Truth, not trends; on Theology, not psychology.

To become like Jesus you must go thru all Jesus went thru: loneliness, fatigue, temptation, hurts. No shortcuts to maturity! Rom. 8:17

When morality is determined by popularity, depravity becomes normality and the death of that culture becomes an inevitability.

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