Saturday, February 16, 2008

cheap valentine

Other than my wife's birthday, Valentine's Day is probably the most intimidating day of the year for me.

First of all, I tend to forget it. It's just another day, isn't it? It usually falls on a weekday and people don't even take work off of it (Lucky are kids who get the day off as "Presidents' Birthday".. Hmm, why can't we have it as "Homeboss' Day" and all men get to go home and clean the house for the wives, supposedly, then I'll remember). Ah, wouldn't it be lovely if everyone, especially ladies, let it slip by just like any other normal, peaceful day of the year..

But nope, the commercial world won't let you go easy. Eventually I am reminded of the day's coming by all the Valentine's Day sales specials on TV and in stores. I have to act, that is, to buy something for my wife, while helping the economy a bit.

Now comes the other intimidating part: what to buy? Knowing my wife, and with the husbandly wisdom I gain through years of living with her, I know if I buy something really fancy, meaning high priced, she will first be flattered, perhaps, but then almost in an instant become upset that I "wasted" that much money on it (and in my honest mind I agree these overpriced vanity items have no practical use in life therefore "waste" is a right word for them). I may even have to return them afterwards.

The following is my true Valentine's Day gift story of last year:

I was buying some miscellaneous stuff at one Big Lots discount store, and noticed some tiny earings on sale near the checkout counter. Looked nice and pretty, I thought my wife would like it. So I bought it. I left the price tag on the earings.

I gave it to my wife on Valentine's Day. She did like it, and she noticed the price on the tag: $25.

"Hmm, not too expensive, huh," she said, smiling, knowing I didn't "waste" a fortune getting this thing she likes.

"Yup," I said, "Better still, it's on sale when I bought it."

"Really," She smiles even more. A woman always likes a good bargain, and she's been lecturing me never buy anything unless it is on sale. It looks like I finally am taking heed to her advice.

"How much was it on sale?" she asked.

"They marked it down to $15, 40% off," I said.

"Wow, that's a great deal." Her face shines. She's happy I saved that much money for her, or, in her name.

Well, I could have stopped here, she's completely happy now, I don't need to worry that she not likes the earings, or she thinks I bought a cheap gift for her. But I cannot resist the temptation.

"Do you know how much I actally paid for it," I said.

"What do you mean?" She's puzzled and real curious now.

"Well, they marked it down even further at the chcekout stand. I actually only paid $5 for it."

Now she's totally taken aback, but then she realizes I am telling her the truth (an honest husband have I always been), she bursts into laughters... She must be thinking that she married the smartest man in the world... or at least that's what I think she thinks.

One cheap Valentine's Day story for laughs. Don't try it at home. May not work for you or your wife :)

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