Saturday, September 20, 2014

happy birthday suite 57

I wasn't expecting it, but near the end of our weekly small group gathering last Saturday evening, somebody started saying "We've got someone's birthday today," and I pretty much gathered that's me they were referring to, even though my birthday was one following day away. Our small group keeps records of each's birthday and celebrates them during the month they fall on. So this was not that unusual. Still, I was a bit surprised since this was the first time the group reconvened after a summer recess, and there must be quite some things still buzzing over everybody's mind.

Even more surprising was the birthday cake they had for me--not the usual creamy pasty kind, but 5 or 6 pieces of Chinese moon cake, in all varieties: lotus seed (蓮蓉), five kernel (五仁), sweet bean (豆沙), egg yolk (蛋黃).. all well shaped well stuffed and well flavored. And you'd be surprised to know, they were all made by one young fellow sister of ours who did this for the first time, she said. Wonderful work! I regret I didn't take photo of them before eating, but not to worry, I am intentionally leaving the space below empty so when she has her next culinary surprise for us I'll take photo and fill in the blank here:

(Coming soon from sister Janet's gourmet kitchen...)

The next day, Sunday, my birthday, I went out with a group of old friends--these are couples me and my wife have acquainted for the past 20+ years, some are my college friends, some tennis partners (before I quit playing it), etc.--to a local Chinese buffet restaurant for dinner. Nominally this was just one of those get-together dine-outs we did from time to time, but at the end they all sang Happy Birthday to me and another fellow who had the same birthday as I but one year younger. And the restaurant chipped in with a special one-free-meal certificate for my next visit after verifying my ID:

This requires me bringing 3 others to get mine free. Come with me and I'll split the check with you so we all get an equivalent of 25% discount.

Now came Monday. For that my wife and I did have a planned event: we had invited all my Monday evening meditation group members to our house for the usual meditation plus the birthday celebration, not just for myself but also for another group member whose birthday falls just 3 days apart from mine. Right around 6 PM--our usual meditation get-together time--they all appeared at our house, with flowers, wine, gift, and one great looking birthday cake made by yet another culinarily talented lady. We had wine and chatted and some toured around the house since this was the first time they were here, then sat down and enjoyed the 6-dish dinner my super wife prepared for this occasion. We then went out to the yard to have a (reduced) 20-minute meditation around the fire pit under the night stars, then came back for the cake and gift and cards unwrapping... It was a joyful and memorable evening for everyone.

The happy birthday girl and I   

Birthday cards now decorate the top shelf of my bookcase

So what's to make of this middle of nowhere, obscure 57th birthday of insignificance of mine? If I am to pick up that jocular line I made on my 55th birthday (, that if turning 50 means "I know what on earth am I here for" (五十知天命), and turning 60 means "my wife's nagging becomes music to my ears" (六十耳順), then turning 55--or 57--means I am half way--or further on my way--to realizing that my purpose in life is to hear my wife's nagging as music to my ears. I am getting there, honey, just be patient.

Or to paraphrase someone, "What on earth is my birthday for?" I think it is just one explicit occasion for reconnecting, sharing, and being jolly, with friends and family, real and virtual, secular and spiritual, new and old, East and West, here and now.

And like one of my Facebook friends said on my wall: May we all be 天天安康喜樂--happy and healthy every day!